AAStar^ is a subgroup of Plancker^ community. We launched AAStar after a conversation with Vitalik at Zuzalu, Montenegro in 2022.
We will commit to the Ethereum for long term contribution and construction. We will focus on Account Abstraction in Ethereum Roadmap.
Mission: Leverage Up the Power of Community for Ethereum AA Roadmap.
Vision: A better digital future for humanity with Simple Account by AAStar!
Value: A Gift for Human from AAStar Hackers.
ETHPaymaster, is a simple gas payment framework utilizing ERC4337 and EIP7702.
AirAccount, is a easy interface for your Ethereum account life cycle.
Comet ENS, is a meaningful name for your addresses in Ethereum.
Website : https://www.aastar.io
Docs : https://docs.aastar.io https://docs.aastar.xyz
Dashboard https://dashboard.aastar.io
Paymaster relay : https://paymaster.aastar.xyz , https://paymaster.aastar.io
Demo : https://demoweb.aastar.io
Telegram channel: AAStar Communi
AAStar team is committed to providing AA-compatible public goods components for Ethereum.
We are trying to answer this question: How can we improve Ethereum accounts to make mass adoption possible?
Notion team profile: https://www.notion.so/planckerdao/Team-Profile-2dc80086797a4ed9ab940e922b133720
GitHub teams: https://github.com/orgs/AAStarCommunity/people
Some research articles: 🏩Research list 📝AAStar Working Docs